Join Adrienne McCue (Step Up For Mental Health, Bi+ BSN Project) debate topics of the day on our 15-30-minute podcast called Bi+ Talk. Discussions will deal with the bisexual community on mental health, culture, news topics, and social issues.
Bi+ Talk is a program of Step Up For Mental Health that will be talking about important news and community of the day. Settle in, get some tea, and relax as we shift into topics not readily anywhere else.
Step Up For Mental Health’s mission is to support, educate, and provide services to empower families living with the challenges of mental health disorders. We do this by providing a safe place to share stories and find support for others who are dealing with mental health disorders or caring for a family member with a mental illness. We believe that mental health issues impact social issues, including education, homelessness, and poverty. Step Up For Mental Health strives to match families with resources to help move them toward a more productive life.